The Scala
Camera-Elevator Dolly

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The scala is a camera-elevator dolly solidly built crane system made of aluminum and steel.
The scala elevator dolly offers manual leveling and many fixed angle positions in addition to manual tilt (you need to attach a camera tilt head to the platform).
The combination of metal cables and aluminum pulleys directs a fixed platform up and down orthogonally at 90 degrees to the column.
This feature gives you the advantage of controlling every shot of your film.
Precisely engineered rails, in combination with two guided tracks with ball bearings attached to the fixed platform, give a smooth lift or a smooth descent thanks to the counter weights. The balanced counter weights give the exact amount of resistance to the camera and as a result of this you have superior performance when shooting your film.
The scala elevator dolly works on a vertical 90 degrees angle anchored to a column. It is very practical because it can be transported in a vehicle such as any medium SUV. It can be disassembled into three parts; the dolly base, the column and the camera perch platform.
Take out the column, attach four 10” wheels, mount a tripod on the dolly and shoot on the street or in the woods.
The camera-elevator dolly with a perch moves swiftly up and down and as the dolly tracks horizontally on plastic pvc pipes, it gives you that perfect shot.
The dolly runs on straight or curved plastic pvc pipes.

The slider dolly moves on two plastic pvc pipes that serve as a track. The camera is mounted on a single steel beam.
While the dolly moves horizontally, the camera can be moved manually all the way to the back or all the way to the front of the beam.
The slider dolly makes two distinctive independent motions at the same time creating a cross like movement and giving the illusion of being everywhere all at once on a two-dimensional plane.
The slider dolly runs on a straight or curved plastic pvc pipe.
The slider dolly can also accommodate a tripod when is used on the ground.